Service for Radiators and More in Langley
Richardson Radiator and Air Conditioning Services provides complete diagnostic services and repairs for cooling and air conditioning systems. We specialize in quality repairs for radiators at our Langley location, and assist customers throughout the Lower Mainland. Our shop keeps a large inventory of replacement parts on hand including cores, tanks and heaters.
​And our certified technicians are qualified to service a wide range of components:
​ Radiators
​ Heater cores
​ Thermostats
​ Frost plugs
​ Fan belts
​ Timing belts
​ Heat exchangers
​EGR coolers (cleaning and testing)
​Is your EGR cooler plugged?
Save time and money on expensive replacement coolers
​ Custom A/C lines
​ Water pumps
​ Hoses
​ Oil coolers
​Custom vintage air installation
Custom Kubota AC installs
Dometic installations
Book an appointment for your vehicle today.

Additional Services
​Custom aluminum radiators (hotrods/classic cars, motorhomes and race cars)
​Custom hot rod radiators (copper, brass)
​Automotive, forklift, heavy truck and industrial radiators (repairs and recore work)
​Power flush cooling systems
​Aluminum fuel tanks (welds, repairs, modifications and extensions)
​Gas tanks (repairs and relines) steel
​Air to air chargers (2-year warranty)
​Aluminum welding